DASI III Final Financial Statement

27 June, 2010

Greetings all!

Thanks for a successful year to the entire student body! Thanks to everyone involved in helping make this year a success!

Attached to satsify your curiosity are the final financial statements for the 2009 – 2010 year as managed by DASI III. Thanks for your support!

Balance Sheet

Allocation Sheet

DASI IV Executive Election Results

2 June, 2010

The election results for DASI IV are as follows:

President: Harry Dobelle
Vice President: Olga Anghelici
Treasurer: Filip Taseski
Secretary: Dana Bogdan

Counts are attached in the spreadsheet here: DASI IV Election

2010 DASI Financial Report

1 February, 2010


Below you may download and see what DASI’s current financial status is for this school year! Please click the following link to view the February 2010 DASI report.

So far we have raised approximately 3600 Euros.

Feb 2010 DASI Financial Report

Election results

15 November, 2009
P.A.V.E.L.: 26 votes
Better Life Foundation: 25 votes
Diakonie, Caritas, Volkshilfe: 25 votes
RON: 11 votes
Global endeavors: 10 votes
Concordia: 7 votes
SOLISA: 3 votes
Course speakers
Nastassja Cernko: 20 votes
Vlad Cozac: 12 votes
Constantin Holzer: 9 votes
Pavol Drlicka: 8 votes
RON: 0 votes
Luis Santa Cruz: 13 votes
Christoph Zinkel: 8 votes
RON: 1 vote
Harry Dobelle: 22 votes
Catherine Torraville: 15 votes
RON: 3 votes
Tim Goudsmid: 25 votes
Oliver Gascoigne: 13 votes
Nikolina Nikolic: 12 votes
Manuel Mattiat: 8 votes
RON: 1 vote
Course names
Talleyrand: 9 votes
Obama: 6 votes
Kant: 5 votes
Nobel: 2 votes
Adler: 2 votes
Fresco: 2 votes
Schwarzer: 1 vote
Dalai Lama: 1 vote
*All other proposals: 0 votes
RON: 9 votes (re-run: Gro Harlem Brundtland: 14 votes)
Alvaro Arzu Irigoyen: 7 votes
RON: 17 votes (still pending)
Sergio Vieira de Mello: 14 votes

Introduction to the DA journal

26 October, 2009
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to introduce to you the DA Journal, the student runcurrent affairs periodical.
This year we have an excellent opportunity to produce some fantasticeditions, and with a wide and varied student body, we hope for an eclectic mix of articles.
We may have spoken to some of you already about this, so this message is intended as a more general call to the entire Academy. We are looking for as many people as possible to get involved, be it as a regular contributor, assisting with the editorial and content side of matters, or helping with the operations and publicity aspect. As alluded to before, we have an extremely talented student body drawn from many different academic disciplines, which is the journals greatest asset. Please don’t forget that the success of this initiative depends on engaging contributions from students of the Academy.
The publication began life as a news review, but this year the intention is to expand to become a journal filled with more analytical and thought provoking content which should not be difficultin an institution such as ours. If you would like to voice your opinion on any number of relevant issues in the sphere of international studies, then please put pen to paper and contact us.
We have a very broad scope for articles, and are happy to receive pieces from across the spectrum. Articles can fit into one of our four main sub-categories;
The Journal is affiliated with the weekly Current Affairs forum, whichsome of you may already be attending. This is where the currentaffairs theme and cover articles for each issue will originate, based upon the best debates in the Forum. For those of you not yet involved or without the time to attend the weekly meetings, don’t worry as everyone is entitled and welcome to submit whatever they’d like to under the other three headings.
A month before the publication of the next edition, we shall release the theme of the Journal, and a call for articles, this would be the time to get writing. The theme is there as a guide for contributing to the paper for that particular edition, but by no means sets the soletone of the magazine, it is there for your help.
Thank you for getting this far through the email. The pitch is over,but now the business of recruitment; if you would like to get involved in helping the team organize everything, and haven’t already, then send us an email to the address below with your name and course, and we will be back in touchwith those individuals by early next week to arrange the first editorial meeting.
With hopes for a good year, and some fun debates.
Best to you all,
Freddie Woolland MAIS II
Eoin Heaney MAIS II

Elections for course speakers, course names & charity on 6 November; open meeting on 30 October

18 October, 2009

Dear DASI community,

I am pleased to announce that elections for course speakers will take place on Friday, 6 November from 10 am to 6 pm.
We will elect 2 course speakers for each course (MAIS 1, MAIS 2, ETIA 1, Diplomlehrgang). If you would like to run for a position, you have time to let me know your decision until 12 pm of Sunday, 1 November.
As far as the rules for the elections are concerned: you are allowed to prepare an election statement, which you must send to me no later than 12 pm of Sunday, 1 November (I will then forward all statements in one e-mail to the whole student body). Spamming the student mailing list is not allowed. Furthermore, you will only be allowed to post one paper copy of your election statement in the student board (on the ground floor, in the corridor next to the rooms where language classes usually take place) – experience from last year taught us that we wasted way too much paper for elections.

In addition, we will vote to choose the charitable organization that will receive the money collected during the year from DASI activities (the bar and the spring ball). Proposals for a charity can be made by all students, and the deadline for making them is 12 pm of Sunday, 1 November. Please, also send me a short description of the charity you would like to propose (by e-mail), so that I can send all descriptions to the whole student body.
As far as the “election campaign” for the charity is concerned, the same rules as those for the election of course speakers apply.

Furthermore, students of the courses MAIS 1, Diplomlehrgang and ETIA 1 will vote to choose their course name. Proposals for course names can be made by all students and the deadline for making them is 12 pm of Sunday, 1 November. If you want, you can send me a short description (max. 5 lines) of the personality you would like to propose, and I will forward it with all others to the student body.
The rules outlined above are valid also for the election of course names.

Last but not least, on Friday, 30 October at 6 pm we will have our first open meeting of the year. This is a chance for everyone to speak up and let the DASI 4 know your concerns, so that we can then communicate them to the administration and the teaching body. Furthermore, important questions concerning proposed DASI activities during the academic year will be discussed (i.e. Director Winkler has proposed to organize “national days”). Please, let me know your ideas on what issues should be discussed during the meeting and we will add them to the agenda.

Have a nice Sunday,


1 October, 2009