DA Christmas extravaganza!

26 November, 2009

Dear friends and colleagues,


Christmas is fast approaching and so is the end of term. For this reason, you are cordially invited to take part in the DA’s traditional Christmas Extravaganza, the main components of which shall be a Carol Service followed by a Christmas Dinner.


The event will take place after the last exam on the 17th of December, with a Carol Service at 6 pm followed by a reception at 7 pm and a four-course Christmas Dinner at 7.30 pm. The Carol Service and reception will be free, but for the dinner we have to charge a moderate fee of 20 Euros, which will include four sumptuous courses and unlimited drinks. The dinner will also feature musical entertainment between the courses, showcasing the talents of musicians at the DA.


Further details, including the exact menu, will be published shortly.


Tickets will be on sale for the dinner from next Monday until the 8th of December, and can be purchased in Frau Schulze’s office (opposite H2 on the first floor of the DA).


Looking forward to celebrating the end of term with you in style,


Tim Goudsmid (t.goudsmid@gmail.com) and Olly Gascoigne (gascoigneor@hotmail.com)

Swimming competition students v. admin on Saturday, 5 December, 3 p.m.

15 November, 2009

Dear all,

on 5 December at 3 p.m. the swimming competition between students and the administration+teachers will take place in the swimming pool at the Theresianum.

Student teams will be formed according to the different courses (MAIS 1, ETIA 1, DLG, MAIS 2 and ETIA 2). 4 people per team are needed, as there will be 4 swimming styles (front crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke – breaststroke can replace all other styles). Please let me know asap if you would like to participate and what style you prefer!


Election results

15 November, 2009
P.A.V.E.L.: 26 votes
Better Life Foundation: 25 votes
Diakonie, Caritas, Volkshilfe: 25 votes
RON: 11 votes
Global endeavors: 10 votes
Concordia: 7 votes
SOLISA: 3 votes
Course speakers
Nastassja Cernko: 20 votes
Vlad Cozac: 12 votes
Constantin Holzer: 9 votes
Pavol Drlicka: 8 votes
RON: 0 votes
Luis Santa Cruz: 13 votes
Christoph Zinkel: 8 votes
RON: 1 vote
Harry Dobelle: 22 votes
Catherine Torraville: 15 votes
RON: 3 votes
Tim Goudsmid: 25 votes
Oliver Gascoigne: 13 votes
Nikolina Nikolic: 12 votes
Manuel Mattiat: 8 votes
RON: 1 vote
Course names
Talleyrand: 9 votes
Obama: 6 votes
Kant: 5 votes
Nobel: 2 votes
Adler: 2 votes
Fresco: 2 votes
Schwarzer: 1 vote
Dalai Lama: 1 vote
*All other proposals: 0 votes
RON: 9 votes (re-run: Gro Harlem Brundtland: 14 votes)
Alvaro Arzu Irigoyen: 7 votes
RON: 17 votes (still pending)
Sergio Vieira de Mello: 14 votes